
Chapter 3
Ai Tweaker
Advanced Monitor Boot Tool
Version 2.10.1208. Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
Load-line is dened by Intel VRM
spec and affects CPU voltage. The CPU
working voltage will decrease
proportionally to CPU loading. Higher
value could get higher voltage and
good overclocking perfomance but increase
the CPU and VRM thermal.
(1) Regular: 0%
(2) Medium: 25%
(3) High: 50%
(4) Ultra High: 75%
(5) Extreme: 100%
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit
F12: Print Screen
UEFI BIOS Utility - Advanced Mode
Back Ai Tweaker\ DIGI+ Power Control >
CPU Load-line Calibration Auto
CPU Voltage Frequency Auto
VRM Spread Spectrum Disabled
CPU Power Phase Control T. Probe
CPU Power Duty Control 100%
CPU Current Capability Auto
CPU Power Thermal Control 130
CPU Power Response Control Auto
iGPU Load-line Calibration Auto
iGPU Current Capability 100%
DRAM Current Capability 100%
DRAM Voltage Frequency Auto
DRAM Power Phase Control Auto
DRAM Power Thermal Control 130
CPU Load-Line Calibration [Auto]
Load-line is dened by Intel VRM spec and affects CPU voltage. The CPU working
voltage will decrease proportionally to CPU loading. Higher value gets a higher voltage
and better overclocking performance, but increases the CPU and VRM thermal. This
item allows you to adjust the voltage range from the following percentages to boost the
system performance: 0% (Regular), 25% (Medium), 50% (High), 75% (Ultra High) and
100% (Extreme).
Conguration options: [Auto] [Regular] [Medium] [High] [Ultra High] [Extreme]
The actual performance boost may vary depending on your CPU specication.
DIGI+ Power Control
Primary Plane Current Limit [Auto]
Maximum instantaneous current allowed at any given time for CPU cores
Use <+> and <-> key to adjust the value at 0.125A increment. .
Secondary Plane Current Limit [Auto]
Maximum instantaneous current allowed at any given time for Internal Graphics cores.
Use <+> and <-> key to adjust the value at 0.125A increment.