Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: I cannot access the web GUI to congure the WL-330N settings.
• Close all running web browsers and launch again.
• Follow the steps below to congure your computer settings based on its
operating system.
Windows 7
A. Disable the proxy server, if enabled.
1. Click Start > Internet Explorer to launch the web browser.
2. Click Tools > Internet options > Connections tab > LAN settings.
3. From the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings screen, untick Use a proxy
server for your LAN.
4. Click OK when done.
B. Set the TCP/IP settings to automatically obtain an IP address.
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Shar-
ing Center > Manage network connections.
2. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click Properties.
3. Tick Obtain an IP address automatically.
4. Click OK when done.
C. Disable the dial-up connection, if enabled.
1. Click Start > Internet Explorer to launch the browser.
2. Click Tools > Internet options > Connections tab.
3. Tick Never dial a connection.
4. Click OK when done.
Mac 10.5.8
A. Disable the proxy server, if enabled.
1. From the menu bar, click Safari > Preferences... > Advanced tab.
2. Click Change Settings... in the Proxies eld.
3. From the list of protocols, deselect FTP Proxy and Web Proxy (HTTP).
4. Click OK when done.
B. Set the TCP/IP settings to automatically obtain an IP address.
1. Click the Apple icon > System Preferences > Network.
2. Select Ethernet and select Using DHCP in the Congure eld.