3 - Software
ASUS Wireless "WL-HDD" User’s Manual 35
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration
Connect to APs in Remote Bridge List (Yes/No)
Select Yes to connect to access points in the remote bridge list.
Allow anonymous? (Yes/No)
Select Yes to allow users without accounts to connect to the AP.
Note: If Connect to APs in Remote Bridge List and Allow Anony-
mous are both set to No, it means that this AP will not connect with
other APs and therefore the AP mode setting is set automatically to
AP Only.
Remote Bridge List
Use the remote bridge list to set up the MAC addresses of the devices in
the wireless bridge. Enter the MAC address of the target APs in order to
designate partners for your device. Click Add to add the address or click
Del to delete a selected address.
Access Control
For additional security, the ASUS Wireless "WL-HDD"
has the ability to only associate with or not associate
with wireless mobile clients that have their MAC address
specified in this menu. The Access Control menu enables
you to block the access from certain wireless stations or
to bypass access from certain wireless stations. The
menu has the following options: