Chapter 3. Basic Operation
Macro Mode
With Macro Mode on macros will execute when the key is pressed (see Macro
Mode, page 23). By default Macro mode is off.
Press [F11] to toggle Macro Mode on and off.
Single Beep - Macro Mode on
Double Beep - Macro Mode off
Play Mode
Play Mode allows you to toggle use of a computer or laptop keyboard and
mouse for gameplay. For instructions to setup a PC for Playmode see
Computer / Laptop + Console Setup, page 9.
With Play Mode on keyboard use on the computer is locked and the keyboard
signals are sent to the game console for gameplay. By default Play Mode is off.
Press [F12] to toggle Play Mode on and off.
Single Beep - Play Mode on
Double Beep - Play Mode off
Note: With Play Mode on you can use a keyboard connected to the UC410’s
Keyboard Port, but it’s [F12] key will not turn Play Mode off.