RS-232 transmission Format
Bit Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Set Command
The command set includes:
A1~A4 setup the output of HP1
B1~B4 setup the output of HP2
C1~C4 setup the output of HP3
D1~D4 setup the output of HP4
VR send back rmware version => V3.01b
ST send back device status
[Input1 ON/OFF; Input2 ON/OFF; Input3 ON/OFF; Input4 ON/OFF;
Output1: 1~4; Output2: 1~4; Output3: 1~4; Output4:1~4]
P0 & P1 are not supported for At-HD44M because it can only be manually turned ON or OFF.
All other non-supported commands will show “Error Command”
Status Command
Command Code Response Description
Data Check SUM Get Status Check SUM Status
0x05 0x4d 0x4f 0x44 0xe5 0xaa 0x06 0x4d 0x41
0x51 0x44
0x29 Get Device Type (MA-
0x07 0x4d 0x41 0x53 0x57
0x43 0xaa 0x3 0x01~0xff 0x04~0x02 Get Device ID
0x08 0x4d 0x41 0x51 0x44
*0x01~0xFF 0x01
0x2e~0x2c 0xaa 0x06 port1 port2
port3 port4
0x06 +
Get Source Mapping of
Output Port
0x08 0x4d 0x41 0x51 0x44
*0x01~0xFF 0x04
0x30~0x2e 0xaa 0x08 0x56 0x33
0x2e 0x30 0x31 0x61
0x81 Software Version
Check sum:
Check sum = (Data value sum)%256 The check sum of response is not included 0xaa.
0x01 ~ 0xFF:
This data is device ID. The Device ID saved in the device, if the device ID of the controlled device is 0xff , the de-
vice will ignore its own ID and carry out the commands.