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b) If while the ignition is on, and a door is opened and then all doors are closed, the unit will
enter the antihijack mode. The parking lights will turn on for 1.5 seconds to indicate the mode
was initiated.
2. a) 60 seconds after initiation, the siren will begin to sound and the parking lights will begin
to flash.
b) 120 seconds after initiation, the siren will start to sound, and the parking lights will begin
to flash.
3. a) 90 seconds after initiation, the starter inhibit circuit, (when installed) will be activated,
the siren and lights will continue until the battery is exhausted, or until the unit is reset.
b) 150 seconds after initiation, the starter inhibit circuit, (when installed), will be activated,
the siren and lights will continue until the battery is exhausted, or until the unit is reset.
NOTE: If you are the unfortunate victim of a vehicle Hi-Jack, for your personal safety, it is
best to leave the vehicle as quickly as possible. Never attempt to oppose the thief in any
way. If the thief prevents you from leaving the vehicle, disarm the Hi-Jack feature to prevent
the system from sounding while you are in the presence of your captor. Once you exit the
vehicle, opening and then closing the door will initiate the Hijack feature the system will go
through the cycles mentioned above. Once the engine is turned off, it cannot be restarted
if the optional Starter Inhibit Circuit is install. The unit will continue to make noise from the
siren or the horn and the lights will continue to flash until the system is reset, or until the
battery is exhausted.
Anytime after the Hi-Jack mode has been triggered, the circuit can be disarmed simply by
pressing the hidden push button switch. Depressing this switch one time will cause the
security system to reset the Hi-Jack mode. The circuit will not trigger again unless the door
is opened and then closed while the vehicle is running