ImRortant- This installation is designed for most 1982 and newer GM cars, trucks, and vans where an installation kit
is required. See Kit Listing on Page 2 of this manual or refer to the in-store application chart. If a kit is not required,
use the instructions on Page 5.
1. R...V8 Existing Radio:
A. Remove the existing dashboard trimpanel surrounding the radio opening. This panel is usually secured by
screws and/or snap-in clips.
B. Remove the screws used to secure the radio to the sub-dashboard.
C. Pull the radio forward to access the wiring and antenna cables plugged into the rear of the chassis.
D. Un-plug the wiring hamess(es) and antenna cable and remove the radio.
2. 18sta11 the I.. Radio:
A. Follow the instructions included with the installation kit to attach the radio to the mounting plate supplied with
the kit.
B. Place the radio near the dashboard so the wires can be led through the opening and following the instructions
of Step 2 on Page 5, carefully wire the radio making certain all connections are secure and insulated and confirm
proper operation.
C. Install the radio/mounting plate assembly to the sub-dashboard according to instructions of installation kit.
D. Attach one end of the perforated support strap (supplied) to the screw stud on the radio using the hex nut
provided. Fasten the other end of the perforated strap to a secure part of the dashboard either above or below
the radio using the screw and nut provided. Bend the strap to position it as necessary.
CAUTION: The rear of the radio .!!l.Y.ยง.t be supported with the strap to prevent damage to the dashboard from the
weight of the radio or improper operation of the radio due to vibration.
E. Replace the dashboard trimpanel.
F. Install knobs on radio shafts.