! ~Iopwatch
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vital period
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Press [MENU] , @ and (2)
Dangerous day
III III I1 1I1 III Ii Ir':'-: l'f;::i i i 111I1 III IIi 1 11"f l;::i I11
5 10 15 20 25 00 35 40 .5
Lethargic period
Physical mythm (23 days) Emo1ionaJ mythm(28 days) Intelligent mythm (33 days)
(Health and sports rhythm (Stability mythm such as (Learning and efficiency
such as weight, stamina, w011< and kJve Ine) mythm, such as
courage, etc.) memory,abllity to
Suitable for tasks requiring Takes care of works full of Fast brain activity, lots of
physical strength, travel, vitaiity mental work Planning,
intensive sports training. But Good time for joint work, love reviewing Good time to
Vital be careful about seeking, and dating make decisions about
period overconfidence in your body Important matters
and overdrinking. Good
period for rapid recovery from
High probability of increased Emotions and nerves are Lack of attention and
body temperature, easIly shaken. Irritation, slip concentration leads to a
~ occurrence of chronic of the tongue,maiicious mistake. Better to postpone
my disease, cold, gosslp can worsen the important decisions or
headache. Be careful about condition of a disease entering into confracts.
driving and other hazardous Be carefui about driving.
Easily fa1igued. Need to Become passive at work. Relatively iow level mental
refrain from drinking, Better not to tackle work work. Avoid demanding
.overea1ing, requiring patience and brain work and courses you
Le1targk: and excessive physical crea1ivity. Need to take rest are not confident in.Organize
~ exercise whIle avoiding personal materials, notes and cards.
Rest is important. Reguiar and relationships and challenges.
light exercise ~U increase your
potential power
~\ Press [ * ...or #"'1 to control
\6/ the stopwatch.
.[AI : controls Starl/Stop
.[..I : conrtols Split/Split Release
.The time unit is displayed on the
LCD up to 1110 second.
3.\ Press [END/ 6] to exit and
\~ return to the initial display.