The PMC-50 modulator is supplied fromthe factorypre-set withan outputfrequency of88.3 MHz., sothis isthe frequencyon yourFM
radiotowhichyouwouldtuneduringCDchangeroperation. Insomeareashowever,theremaybeastronglocalFMstationbroadcasting
on88.3MHz. whichcouldinterferewiththesignalfrom themodulator. Ifthisoccurs, thePMC-50modulatorisdesignedsothat itsoutput
frequency may be changed to 88.7, 89.7, or 89.9 MHz. Check these frequencies on your FM radio for one which does not have any
possible interfering stations and then adjust the output frequency of the modulator as follows:
1. Turn on the CD changer by pressing the Play/Pause Selector 2 .
2. Press and hold the Play/Pause Selector 2 for 4 seconds until the frequency indication (“88.3”) appears on the display panel.
3. Use the Disc Select button 4 to change the frequency to the desired setting as shown on the display panel.
4. When the desired frequency setting is shown on the display panel, press and hold the Play/Pause Selector 2 for 4 seconds until
the display returns to the disc/track/elapsed time or Disc ID indication.
The output from the FMmodulator isnow setto thenew frequency to which the FM radio must be tuned during CDchanger operation.
NOTE: Should the batterypower to the PMC-50 be interrupted,the output frequency setting will revertback to 88.3 MHz. and willneed
to be re-set to the desired frequency using the above procedure.
ThePMC-50 featuresa SystemResetfunction whichmaybe tousedto clearthe microprocessorandreturn tocorrectoperation incase
abnormal changer or commander operation is encountered. To use the System Reset function, press and hold the Power Off Switch
3 for 4 seconds until the“RESET” indication flashes twice on the displaypanel. The changer system has now been resetand will shut
off. Turn the system back on using the Play/Pause Selector 2 and check for correct operation.
near you for further assistance.