
Quick Start
1. Set up your Xpress
2. Activate your XM subscription online http://activate.xmradio.com or by
phone 1 800 XM RADIO (1-800-967-2346 )
3. Listen to XM*
4. Manage your channels using presets
Quick Start
*Hardware and required monthly subscription sold separately. Installation cost and other fees and taxes, including a one-time activation fee
may apply. Subscription fee is consumer only. XM products, programming, services, and fees are subject to change, at any time, without no-
tice. Channels with frequent explicit language are indicated with an XL. Channel blocking is available for XM radio receivers by calling 1-
800-XM-RADIO. Subscriptions subject to Customer Agreement available at xmradio.com. XM service only available in the 48 contiguous
United States. ©2007 XM Satellite Radio Inc. All rights reserved.