Issue 2.2 April 2005 49
This section provides basic information on DHCP servers and generic information on DHCP
server administration.
Choosing a DHCP Configuration
A discussion on how to best set up your network to work with the 4600 Series IP Telephones is
beyond the scope of this document. See Network Assessment
on page 26. This document
concentrates on the simplest case of the single LAN segment. Information provided here can be
extrapolated for more complex LAN configurations.
CAUTION: Before you start, it is important that you understand your current network
configuration. An improper installation can cause network failures or reduce the
reliability and performance of your network.
DHCP Software Alternatives
Two DHCP software alternatives are common to Windows operating systems:
● Windows NT
4.0 DHCP Server
● Windows 2000
DHCP Server
● Windows 2003
DHCP Server
Any other DHCP application might work. It is the customer’s responsibility to install and
configure the DHCP server correctly. This document is limited to describing a generic
administration that works with the 4600 Series IP Telephones.