Conventions Used in This Document
Issue 1.1 September 2004 9
Conventions Used in This Document
This guide uses the following textual, symbolic, and typographic conventions to help you
interpret information.
Symbolic Conventions
Note: This symbol precedes additional information about a topic.
Typographic Conventions
This guide uses the following typographic conventions:
Related Documentation
For information on administering this telephone see the “4602 SIP Telephone Administrator’s
Guide” (Document Number 16-300037).
message Words printed in this type are system messages.
Document Blue underlined type indicates a section or sub-section in this
document containing additional information about a topic.
“Document” Italic type enclosed in quotes indicates a reference to an external
document or a specific chapter/section of an external document.
italics Italic type indicates the result of an action you take or a system
response in step by step procedures.
Administrative Words printed in bold type are menu or screen titles and labels.
Words in this type might also be items on menus and screens that
you select or enter to perform a task, i.e., fields, buttons, or icons.