
Disable/Enable Event Logging
Issue 6 February 2007 71
Disable/Enable Event Logging
Use the following procedure to enable or disable logging of system events.
1. While the telephone is on-hook and idle, press the following sequence of keys on the
faceplate of the telephone:
Mute 5 6 4 # (Mute L O G #)
Note: Press the Mute button momentarily. Do not press this button while pressing other
keys/buttons. The 4630/4630SW IP Telephones and the 4690 IP Conference
Telephone do not have a dedicated Hold button. For all other 4600 Series IP
Telephones, pressing the Hold button instead of the Mute button also works.
2. After entry of the command sequence, all telephones except the 4601 display the following
text, depending on the current value of the system parameter NVLOGSTAT:
where status is the type of logging indicated by the NVLOGSTAT value, defined as:
Status is disabled when NVLOGSTAT = 0
Status is emergencies when NVLOGSTAT = 1
Status is alerts when NVLOGSTAT = 2
Status is critical when NVLOGSTAT = 3
Status is errors when NVLOGSTAT = 4
Status is warnings when NVLOGSTAT = 5
Status is notices when NVLOGSTAT = 6
Status is information when NVLOGSTAT = 7
Status is debug when NVLOGSTAT = 8
3. To change the logging status, press *.
Depending on the current value, the next sequential valid NVLOGSTAT value is selected
and displayed as the status. For example, if the current value is alerts (2), pressing *
changes the value to 3 (critical). If the current value is debug (8), pressing * changes the
value to 0 (disabled).
If a value different from the current NVLOGSTAT value is entered, all telephones except the
4601 display the following text left-justified at the top of the display:
*=change #=OK
Save new value?
*=no #=yes