Avaya Communication Manager and Servers
Issue 6 January 2008 237
During the development of the S8300, S8500, and S8700-series Servers, or in production of
upgrades to its software, Avaya subjects the system to a variety of common “attack tools” to find
any overlooked or accidentally created security holes. The exact set of tools that are used
varies to keep up with the technology. Common tools include nmap and nessus. Security
problems found by these efforts are corrected before the product or the service pack is
Avaya servers are as secure as reasonably possible, consistent with the operational needs of
the product and business in which they are used. Security, however, does not end with the
servers. These servers are connected to one or more networks that are, in turn, connected to
other equipment in the enterprise.
Recommendations for network security
Avaya recommends that these servers be located behind a firewall. Where this firewall is
located with respect to other LAN components must be designed on a case-by-case basis.
Avaya Professional Services can assist owners in configuring their networks for both security
and optimal IP Telephony operation. Other vendors also specialize in this type of consulting.
Owners are advised to seek assistance if internal staff is not trained in these areas. Security
holes that arise from negligence, ignorance, or oversight or the pressures of schedule or budget
are all equally usable by hackers. Malicious activity is a moving target, and what is safe today
might not be safe tomorrow. Avaya is committed to providing appropriate secure solutions for its
products, and to continuously monitoring evolving security threats. Avaya S8700 and S8300
servers are appropriately secure against the known threats. Avaya responds quickly should new
threats appear. Consult these resources for the latest security information:
● Your Avaya account team
● The Avaya support Web site:
Click Security Advisory in the Technical Database list on the left side of the page.