Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 9-17
Managing the Address Forwarding Table
9. After making the changes, click the APPLY button to save the current
settings, or CANCEL to restore previous settings. or MORE to view
more statistics.
10. See Table 9-4 to review your search criteria options:
Table 9-4. Address Forwarding Table Parameters
Parameter Defines the...
Index Index number of this address entry in the switch address
forwarding table.
MAC Address MAC address associated with this entry. This address is learned
by the switch as an address to forward to the associated port.
Port Port associated with this MAC address table entry.
Valid An entry is valid until it ages out, at which time it becomes
invalid. Aging out occurs when a frame with the entry’s MAC
address is not received during the address age time interval. An
invalid entry can become a valid entry again if the entry’s MAC
address is learned (frame is received) during the super age time
interval. If the super age time interval expires before the MAC
address is learned again, the entry is deleted."
Group Group number associated with this MAC address.
TblInst Address table instance number associated with this MAC
Priority Priority level associated with traffic forwarded to this MAC
address. The options are:
• Normal
• High
You can set this parameter on all learned entries.
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