1 Getting Acquainted
4 System Components
Quick Reference Guide
System Components
Provides the software intelligence that controls the system’s
features. It has jacks for three outside lines and eight enhanced
tip/ring extensions. The processor also has two PCMCIA slots
for ASA/DXD, PARTNER Voice Mail Release 3.0, or Remote
Administration cards. The module has a grounding screw and
jacks for the following:
• Music-On-Hold audio source
• Loudspeaker paging system
• Two Contact Closures
• A call reporting device, such as an SMDR printer
Line and
Installed in a carrier, these modules provide additional outside
line jacks and/or extension jacks. The 2-slot carrier
configuration can hold two modules. The 5-slot carrier
configuration can hold five modules. For more information about
the line and extension modules, see the PARTNER Advanced
Communications System Installation, Programming, and Use
Telephones The PARTNER-34D, PARTNER-18D, PARTNER-18, and
PARTNER-6 telephones and the PARTNER CA48 Call
Assistant Intercom Autodialer are products specifically
designed to work with the system. You can also use the
MLS-series, TransTalk
9000-series, industry-standard
single-line rotary or touch-tone telephones with the system. In
Release 5.0 or later, PARTNER Endeavor telephones are
supported when an Endeavor 362EC module is installed in the