Issue 2 November 1996 vii
About This Document
The purpose of this guide is to provide information for installing, operating,
testing, and troubleshooting the 8400B Plus Data Module.
Organization of This Guide
The following paragraphs summarize the chapters and appendices contained in
this guide.
■ Chapter 1, “Introduction,” discusses the basic operating features of the
8400B Plus Data Module and describes the external indicators and
■ Chapter 2, “Installation,” describes the hardware and software required
for installing the 8400B Plus Data Module, and outlines procedures for
preparing the 8400B Plus Data Module for operation.
■ Chapter 3, “Configuration and Operation,” describes how to issue
commands to your 8400B Plus Data Module. In addition, it describes
how to change, store, and recall configuration parameters, and outlines
how to create and save custom configuration profiles. It also provides
some basics on the operation of the 8400B Plus Data Module, outlines a
typical on-line data session, and discusses more advanced command
usage with example command lines. If you are not familiar with the AT