Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 12-67
Configuring IP Routing
Displaying the DVMRP Downstream Dependent Routers
Web Agent
To view the DVMRP downstream dependent routers:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the Routing > DVMRP folders, and then
click Route Table.
The DVMRP Route Table Web page is displayed in the content pane.
See Figure 12-32.
2. Select the number from the Downstream Dependent Router(s) column
for the appropriate source network. The Downstream Dependent
Router(s) Web page is displayed.
3. See Table 12-26 for an explanation of the DVMRP Downstream
Dependent Router(s) Web page parameters.
Displaying the DVMRP Multicast Forwarding Cache
The DVMRP Multicast Forwarding Cache Web page provides detailed
information on the multicast forwarding attributes including information on
downstream interfaces and upstream sources. DVMRP allows the switch to
construct paths from the hosts that are sending to a multicast group to the
hosts that are receiving it.
Table 12-26. DVMRP Downstream Dependent Router(s) Web Page
Parameter Definition
Router Network Address Displays the router network address of the
downstream dependent router.
Found on Interface Displays the name of the interface on which the
downstream router was found.
DVMRP Supported Major/
Minor Version
Displays the DVMRP version supported.
Router Received Probe
from This Router
Displays whether the router received a probe
from this router.
Router Supports Prune
Displays whether this router supports prune
Router Supports
Generation ID Function
Displays whether the router supports generation
ID function.
Router is SNMP
Displays whether the router can be managed by