Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide 4-157
Contact your RADIUS server manufacturer if you have problems
configuring the server or have problems using RADIUS
Follow these steps to enable RADIUS MAC Access Control:
1. Within the RADIUS Auth screen, place a check mark in the box
labeled Enable RADIUS MAC Access Control.
2. Place a check mark in the box labeled Enable Primary RADIUS
Authentication Server.
3. If you want to configure a back-up RADIUS server, place a check
mark in the box labeled Enable Back-up RADIUS Authentication
4. Enter the time, in seconds, each client session may be active
before being automatically re-authenticated in the Authorization
Lifetime field. The Authorization Lifetime default is 0
(reauthentication is disabled). The configurable range is from 900
seconds to 43200 seconds.
Authorization Lifetime is used for MAC authenticated clients and
802.1x clients. Setting Authorization Lifetime in the RADIUS Auth
tab will also effect EAP/802.1x Authorization clients.