Avaya C360 Manager User Guide 45
Device Configuration
The following table provides a list of the fields in the Advanced tab of the
Port Configuration dialog box and their descriptions:
Table 3-8. Port Configuration Fields - Advanced Tab
Field Description
Port STP Mode
Enables Port Spanning Tree. The Spanning
Tree mode creates a logical tree topology out
of any arrangement of bridges, resulting in a
single path between any two end stations. The
Spanning Tree Mode also provides high fault
tolerance. The possible states are:
• Enable - Enables the Spanning Tree
• Disable - Disables the Spanning Tree
For more information refer to Spanning Tree
Algorithm (STA) in The Reference Guide.
Port STP State The state of the port in terms of the Spanning
Tree Protocol. The possible states are:
• Disable - The port is disabled.
• Blocking - STP is enabled and currently
blocking the port. The port is effectively
disabled to prevent the formation of a
loop in the network.
• Forwarding - The port is currently
forwarding information received.
STP Admin Edge
The administrative state of the edge port
parameter. Possible states include:
• TRUE - This port is assumed to be an
edge port.
• FALSE - This port is assumed not to be
an edge-port.
STP Oper Edge
The operational state of the edge port
• TRUE - This port is operating in the state
specified in STP Admin Edge.
• FALSE - A BPDU was received by the