IP Route
238 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
Note: In the Send field, selecting ‘listen-only’ or ‘talk-listen’ will prevent updating the
Default Route Metric field.
You can modify RIP interfaces. For more information on editing tables, refer to “Editing Tables”
on page 210.
The OSPF folder provides access to the following windows:
● Viewing OSPF Global Parameters
● Configuring OSPF Interfaces
● Configuring OSPF Area Parameters
● Viewing the OSPF Link State Database
● Viewing the OSPF External Database
● Viewing OSPF Neighbors
Split Horizon The method for handling routes learned from this interface, when
sending updates to this interface. Possible methods are:
● Poisoned Reverse - The routes are advertised to this interface
as unreachable.
● Split Horizon - The routes are not advertised to this interface at
● None - The routes are advertised to this interface as is.
Auth Type Authentication Type. Possible methods are:
● None
● Simple
Auth Key The password for this interface. This is only used if the Auth Type is
set to Simple-password. The password may contain up to 16
characters. It may be configured here, but not viewed.
Table 80: RIP Interface Parameters (continued)
Field Description
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