Preparing an offsite PC for Agent Desktop
26 NN44400-120 Offsite Agent User Guide 26 November 2010
• Windows domain
• Offsite telephone number
• Supervisor telephone number
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Start the Agent Desktop.
Agent Desktop displays the Offsite Agent Logon dialog.
2 Type your Windows user name in the User name field.
3 Type your password in the Password field.
4 Type your domain in the Domain field.
5 Click Get Agent.
Agent Desktop expands the Offsite Agent Logon dialog to show additional fields.
6 Verify that your agent id appears in the Agent ID field.
7 From the Phone list, select the telephone number for your current offsite telephone.
Enter the number of your current telephone.
8 Click Logon.
Agent Desktop displays the progress popups, and the Agent Desktop main window
9 Select Login from the Agent Status list.