Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-23
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
SLIC. See Northern Telecom SL1 Integration Card;
SL−1Adaptive Integration
adding a DTIC card, 10-7
DTIC cards, 10-4
answering mode, 10-5
card type, 10-5
Class of Service, 10-5
extension #, 10-5
LSPTAB, 10-6
outcall, 10-6
port, 10-5
slot, 10-5
SYNC, 10-6
SYS, 10-6
LAN card, 11-3
integrated systems, 10-6
nonintegrated systems, 10-6
SMDI. See Centrex Adaptive Integration
SMSI. See Centrex Adaptive Integration
SNMP, 11-4, 11B-1–11B-12, 8−24, 8−39
See also Simple Network Management Protocol
basic MIB, 11B-2
configuring, 11B-7–11B-9
digital networking, system parameters, 11-4, 8−39
Internet MIB-II standard, 11B-2
private MIB, 11B-3–11B-6
Private MIB information refresh, 11B-6
Query tracing, 11B-6
TEST SNMP command, 11B-11–11B-12
messages, 11B-11
trap, Hardware Error Table entries for, 11B-10
trap CP trace, example, 11B-10
trap notification, 11B-7
trap report, example, 11B-9
traps, 11B-7–11B-12
SNMP manager system, test, communication with,
Software installation, 4−24–4−25
Software requirments, MD110, 14−8
Split incoming lines, 3-4
SPRINT, 10−2
Log commands
PF Option: Display Filters, 7-3
PR Option: Print Log Files, 7-2
ST Option: Print Status of Log Files, 7-4
Standard DTMF integration, 1-1–1-4
Called Party Identification, 1-2
Message Waiting Indication, 1-2
Overture 200/300 / PBX interaction, 1-3–1-4
primary and secondary answering, 1-3
secondary answering only, 1-4
Startup, 6-7
startup command, 6-7
Status, Octel Overture message server, test, 6-6
Storage, call processing trace logs, 7-5
Storage hours, capacity on demand, list feature
screen, 6-44
Subnet addresses, digital networking, 11A-3
Subnet masks, digital networking, 11A-4
using UPDATE, 8−26
Subsystem, configurations, 2-6, 2-17–2-23
Subsystems, 2-6, 2-17–2-23
Overture 300 fan tray, 2-5
Overture 300 power line filter, 2-4
system alarm relays, 2-2
system terminal port, 2-1
configuration, 4−24–4−25
forwarding diagnostic test, 6-42
hardware, 4−21–4−23
initialization diagnostic test, 6-42
installation, 4−56
performance report, 5-6–5-16
performance report by COS, 5-37–5-40
removal, 4−57
serial number, 8-40
software, 4−24
startup process, 4−21
TEST STATUS command, 6-43
System alarm relays, 2-2
SYSTEM PARAMETER Table, digital networking,
System Parameters, LAN card, 11-3
System parameters
collocated analog networking, 7−15
remote analog networking, 2−36–2−37, 3−16,
4−15–4−16, 13, 6−15–6−16
System performance by COS report, 5-37–5-40
System power fail signal, 2-12
System reset signal, 2-13, 2-14
System terminal port, 2-1, 4−14
System/Voice disk drives, 2-3, 2-5
System/Voice disks, 2-16
Tandeming cases, digital networking, 8−27–8−35
Telemarketing Line Card, 2-6
Teleprinter, 4−14