Avaya P332GT-ML User’s Guide 133
Appendix A
How to Contact Us
To contact Avaya’s technical support, please call:
In the United States
Dial 1-800-237-0016, press 0, then press 73300.In the EMEA (Europe, Middle East
and Africa) Region
Local Dial-In
Local Dial-In
Albania +31 70 414 8001 Finland +358 981 710 081
Austria +43 1 36 0277 1000 France +33 1 4993 9009
Azerbaijan +31 70 414 8047 Germany +49 69 95307 680
Bahrain +800 610 Ghana +31 70 414 8044
Belgium +32 2 626 8420 Gibraltar +31 70 414 8013
Belorussia +31 70 414 8047 Greece +00800 3122 1288
+31 70 414 8042 Hungary +06800 13839
Bulgaria +31 70 414 8004 Iceland +0800 8125
Croatia +31 70 414 8039 Ireland +353 160 58 479
Cyprus +31 70 414 8005 Israel +1 800 93 00 900
Czech Rep. +31 70 414 8006 Italy +39 02 7541 9636
Denmark +45 8233 2807 Jordan +31 70 414 8045
Egypt +31 70 414 8008 Kazakhstan +31 70 414 8020
Estonia +372 6604736 Kenya +31 70 414 8049
Estonia +372 6604736 Kuwait +31 70 414 8052
Latvia +371 721 4368 Saudi Arabia +31 70 414 8022