Chapter 2
Cajun P550/P880 Manager User Guide
From HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM)
To start Cajun P550/P880 Manager from HP OpenView NNM:
1. Start HP OpenView.
2. Double-click the Internet icon to open the network map.
3. Select a Cajun device (P550, P880, or P220).
Select Edit > Find to locate the device on the network map.
4. Select Tools > Avaya> Device Manager.
Right-click the switch and select Avaya > Device Manager.
The Cajun P550/P880 Device Manager window opens
(Figure 2-1, later in this chapter).
Overview of the Cajun P550/P880 Manager
The Cajun P550/P880 - Avaya Device Manager window consists of
up to three tabs:
Device Manager Tab
Routing Manager Tab
From the Device Manager tab, you can select ports from modules of
the switch and drag them to the Virtual LANs area of the window to
quickly assign virtual switch ports to VLANs. The Full View area
displays the visual representation of your Cajun P880, P550, or P220
switch. The tool bar provides a convenient way to configure ports.
The Device Manager tab opens by default.
The Routing Manager tab (Layer 3 switches only) provides a list of
IP management topics that launch screens directly from the Cajun
Switch Web Agent. Refer to "Configuring IP Routing", later in this
chapter, for more information about the Routing Manager tab.