88 Avaya CMS Sun Fire V880 Computer Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
24. Enter:
boot -r
This reboots the system so that it recognizes the new HSI/P cards.
Note: Sometimes the system fails to recognize a newly installed HSI card. If this
happens, the command show-devs does not show the HSI card and /
var/adm/messages fails to recognize the card upon bootup. See the
troubleshooting chapter of Avaya Call Management System Switch
Connections, Administration, and Troubleshooting for information about
troubleshooting HSI/P cards.
25. When the system comes back up, log in as root.
26. Enter:
This displays the PCI card configuration after you add the card. Make sure that the
new card is displayed.
27. Continue with Installing HSI/P software and patches
on page 88.
Installing HSI/P software and patches
Use the following procedures in the CMS software installation, maintenance, and
troubleshooting document to:
● Install the HSI/P software
● Reinstall the Solaris patches
After installing the software and patches, continue with Setting up the switch link for each
ACD on page 88
Setting up the switch link for each ACD
To change the switch link administration for each ACD:
1. Enter:
The CMS Services menu is displayed.
2. Select the run_cms option.
3. Turn off CMS.
4. Enter:
The CMS Services menu is displayed.