Name Function
(4) Source Disk To select the hard disk drive
(5) Target Path To locate on where user want to save the file
(6) Event (%) Display the backup progress rate of event in percentage
(7) Total (%) Display the total backup progress rate in percentage
(8) Stop Stop backup progress
(9) Start Start backup progress
(10) Page Switch
Pre: go back last page
Next: go to next page
Page column: enter the page number and click Go button to go to the
(11) Select All
Select all listed recorded video events. Click the check box again to cancel
for selecting all events.
(12) Set Marked File
Use Ctrl and mouse to select the multiple events from event list, and then
click Set Marked File to mark multiple events. When click Set Marked File
button, the marked event will turn to un-mark and un-mark event will turn to
5.3 To Backup Recorded Video File
1. Please have the hard disk which was recording video on the DVR system install on your PC or
using external USB enclosure to connect to your PC.
2. To run the HDD Backup application, click the HDD Backup button on USB Playback
Application main interface.
3. Click Browse in Source Disk to locate the recorded video file.
4. And then, the Select Disk windows will appear as below:
5. Select the hard disk drive from Select Disk windows. All available hard disk will list on the
Select Disk windows with size and name