Operators Manual
ALS 230
Release 11/05 Page 53 Serial interface
Command Description Range
#!MDIRnnnn Motor direction 0000 Right --- >
0001 Left < ---
#!MLABnnnn Missing label error 0000 NONE
0001 Warning
0002 Error 1
0003 Error 2
#!PDT nnnn Print dwell time 0001 – 1000 ms
0000 printer off
#!PHT nnnn Printer hold time
0001 – 7500 ms
#!POS_nnn Labelling position
0001 – 9999 * 0.1 mm
#!PRDLnnnn Product length
0005 – 4000 mm
#!P_S_nnnn Polarity product sensor 0000 LEDG
0001 TEDG
#!RAMPnnnn Acceleration Ramp 0000 NORM
0001 FAST
#!SLEWnnnn Slew speed 0000 = FAST
0001 = SLOW
#!STADnnnn Start delay
0001 - 9999 ms
#!STODnnnn Stop position
0080 - 9999 * 0.1 mm
#!VELOnnnn Speed
0020 - 0300 * 0.1m/min
#!SAVEnnnn Store in data bank
0001 - 0009
#!LOADnnnn Load data bank
0001 - 0009
The following described commands do not have parameter values. With these commands the
host can monitor and control the machine.
#!CLRC Set label counter to 0
#!CLRE Clear error message
#!CLRW Clear warning
#!ERRF The machine sends an error status to the monitoring computer. The message
ERR8___4__1_<04H> means, error 8, 4 and 1 have occurred.
#!WARF The machine sends a warning status to the monitoring computer. The message
WARF7______0 means: The warnings 7 and 0 have occurred.
#!LABC The machine sends the number of dispensed labels e.g. LABC0000008359 back
#!SP__ The machine is set to off. The product sensor is disabled and labelling will
therefore be stopped.