
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
If you are threatened in or near your vehicle, you can press for
1.5 seconds to trigger Panic Mode on your security system and
attract attention. The siren will sound and the parking lights will
flash for 30-seconds. To stop Panic Mode at any time, press
on the remote.
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The remote buttons indicated in this manual correspond to a stan-
dard configuration remote, unless otherwise specified.
You can arm the security system by pressing for one second.
When the system arms, you will hear a short siren sound (chirp)
and the parking lights will flash once. If the power door locks are
controlled by the system, the doors will also lock. Once armed, the
LED system status indicator will flash once per second to indicate
that the system is actively protecting your vehicle. If you hear a
second chirp after arming and notice that the LED system status
indicator is flashing in a grouped pattern, this signals Bypass
Notification. Bypass Notification is described in detail in the
Diagnostics section of this manual.
Your security system can also be programmed for Passive Arming.
With Passive Arming, the system automatically arms itself 30 sec-