
5. Adjustment
Image 5-17
Reset to full size
5.6.7 Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio
horizontal & vertic
al dimension in which the window will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9.
How to change
1. Select the window o
f which you want to change the aspect ratio.
The border changes to yellow and the cursor changes to a four arrow cursor.
2. Right click on the sel
ected window and select the desired aspect ratio. (image 5-18)
click on the aspect ratio icon and select the desired aspect ratio. (image 5-19)
Possible aspect ratios
- 2.35 scope
- snap to current : fix the current aspect ratio what ever it is.
- none : no fixed aspect ratio
When a fixed aspect ratio is selecte
d, the width and height will be coupled in the value pane. (im-
age 5-20)
R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004