
Figure I.23. Cube UV mapunfolded
X-Agora doesnotincludea UVEditor, andthe "unfolding"process(called UVmapping)
of the 3D model should be done in a specialized 3D authoring software like 3DsMax,
Maya, Blender, etc. Then, simply export the 3D model into the fbx format to be loaded
in X-Agora. By default, all the content applied to the imported 3D object uses the UV
map exported with the fbx model.
It is also possible to use multiple UV maps, meaning different ways (called channels)
to unfold the 3D model, in the same fbx, and choose any map when applying videos or
imagesto the3D model.To dothis, inthe Mappingproperty ofthe mediain thetimeline,
choose the channel you desire. There is a choice of up to 4 channels (UVSet0-3). By de-
fault, the first one is used.
Programming workflow layout
Once you have completed your projection study, select Programming from among the
workflow layouts on the right-hand side of the menu bar and start building content
159Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix I: Workflow layouts