Positioning your projector
Obtaining a preferred projected image size
The distance from the projector lens to the screen, the zoom setting, and the video format each factors in the
projected image size. BenQ has provided separate tables of dimensions for both 16:9 and 4:3 screen ratios to
assist you in determining the ideal location for your projector.
1. Determine the aspect ratio of your screen, (16:9 or 4:3) ?
2. Select the Screen Size you desire from the 16:9 ratio screen dimension table or 4:3 ratio screen dimension
table below, according to what screen type you have. Install the projector at a distance from the screen
corresponding to between the Min. and Max. Projection Distance values in the table.
3. Decide the exact height of your projector.
For example, if you are using a 16:9 screen with 80 inches diagonal, you are suggested to place your projector
within a range between 2.76m to 3.39m from the screen. The exact height of your projector will be 33 to 34cm
above or below your screen from the center of the lens.
Ceiling installation for a 16:9 ratio screen
Floor installation for a 16:9 ratio screen
16:9 (widescreen) ratio screen dimension table
An examination of the table reveals that you can place the projector lens in the range from 1.73 to 8.47m distance
from the screen, which will give you a projected image from 1.11 x 0.62m to 4.43 x 2.49m full screen.
Screen Size Projection Distance Height Offset
Type (inch) Height (cm) Width (cm) Min. (cm) Max. (cm) Tele (cm) Wide (cm)
50 62 111 173 212 21 20
60 75 133 207 254 25 25
70 87 155 242 297 29 29
80 100 177 276 339 34 33
90 112 199 311 381 38 37
100 125 221 345 424 42 41
110 137 244 380 466 46 45
120 149 266 414 508 50 49
130 162 288 449 551 55 53
140 174 310 483 593 59 57
150 187 332 518 636 63 61
160 199 354 553 678 67 65
170 212 376 587 720 71 70
180 224 398 621 763 76 74
190 237 421 656 805 80 78
200 249 443 691 847 84 82
Projection Distance
Screen Size
Center of the lens
Projection Distance
Center of the lens
Screen Size