Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Duplicating & Rescaling Motifs
(aurora 430E/440QEE & artista 630E/640E/730E only)
artista 730E:
Hoop fabric & stabilizer in Large Oval
Select indicated motif; it opens in
Edit 1 screen. Select Duplicate Motif
symbol. There are now 2 copies of
motif on screen. The 1st one is gray
and the top one is in color. The color
motif is the active one.
Touch the To Next Page - Edit 2
symbol. Touch Move Motif symbol;
move active motif toward top of hoop.
Using Retrieve function, activate other
motif; move toward lower end of hoop.
Touch Rescale Motif Proportionally ;
increase lower motif size to 180%; OK.
Dialog box asks if you wish to
recalculate stitch count or simply
resize motif without recalculating
stitch density. Select “recalculate”
option. Note: “resize” simply takes
existing design and spreads stitches
to fit new size parameters of design.
Embroider motif. When complete,
trim and mount sample. Note stitch
count of design for later reference.
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
artista 430E & 440QEE
My Designs > Floral5.art
artista 630E & 640E
630E: #13 - floral
640E: #19 - floral
artista 730E
#4 - daisy
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle
artista 630E & 640E:
Hoop fabric and stabilizer in Large
Oval Hoop.
Select indicated motif; it opens in
Edit 1. Select Add Motif icon;
reselect the same design. There are
now two copies of motif on screen;
the first one is gray and the second
one - on top - is in color. The color
motif is the active one.
Touch the To Next Page - Edit 2
symbol. Touch the Move Motif symbol
and move the active motif toward top
of hoop. Note: It may be necesssary
to select the Large Oval hoop.
Using the Retrieve function, activate
the other motif and move it toward the
lower end of the hoop.
Touch Rescale Motif Proportionally
icon; increase lower motif size to
160%. Touch OK.
Embroider motif. When stitching is
complete, trim and mount sample.
Note the design stitch count for later
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Connect aurora to PC following instructions in owner’s manual.
Select File>Open from main menu. From My Designs folder, select Floral5.art.
Open. Choose Select Object tool; click on design to select it.
Select Edit>Duplicate from main menu. There are now 2 embroidery motifs on
screen. While duplicate is selected, click &drag it to left. Note: When designs
are duplicates or pasted, the new design is placed in the location from which it
was copied.
Right click to open Object Properties dialog box. Type 180 in width and height
fields. Click OK.
Select File>Save As. Type duplication exercise in File Name field. Click Save.
Note: Using the Save As function preserves your original design file.
Send design to aurora for embroidery. Trim and mount sample.
Note: With Editor Lite you can use
menu commands or toolbar icons to
access features and functions.