The purpose of this manual is to provide a thorough understanding of the XLB-4319
Hydraulic Boom Lift operation and controls. Read the safety and operating instructions
in this manual and become familiar with the location and use of all controls.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and instructions in this manual and any attached to and
supplied with the boom lift. All OSHA, ANSI, state, and local codes and regulations
concerning this equipment should obtained, read, and thoroughly understood before
attempting to operate this equipment.
To ensure proper and safe use of this equipment, only trained and qualified personnel
should operate and maintain the boom lift.
This manual contains DANGERS, WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES that must be
followed to prevent the possibility of improper service, personnel injury or death, and
damage to equipment.
Dangers warn of equipment operation near electrical power lines that could lead to
personal injury or death.
Warnings describe conditions or practices that could lead to personal injury or
Cautions provide information important to prevent errors that could damage
machine or components.
NOTE: Notes contain additional information important to a procedure.