
and TEI for the station upon which the DM is running.
The Topology contains information about the TEI, MAC Address, Bridged
MAC Address and the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) Coded and Raw PHY
rates for all nodes on the network (other than the local STA). The ‘Coded’ rates
exclude FEC bits. The ‘Raw’ rate is the actual channel bit rate. The Raw rate is
determined by carrier bit loading and the applied HomePlug AV Tone Mask
which utilizes 917 carriers out of a possible 1155. If all carriers were to be
utilized with maximum bit loading on all 1155 carriers, the Raw channel rate
would be approximately 250 Mbps. With the HomePlug AV Tone Mask applied,
the maximum Raw channel rate is approximately 200 Mbps (198 Mbps
maximum actual).