Firewall and Access Control
Your router includes a full SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) rewall for controlling Internet access
from your LAN, as well as helping to prevent attacks from hackers. Besides, when using NAT, the
router acts as a “natural” Internet rewall, as all PCs on your LAN will use private IP addresses
that cannot be directly accessed from the Internet.
Firewall: Prevent outsiders from accessing your local network. The router provides three levels of
security support:
NAT natural rewall: This masks LAN users’ IP addresses which are invisible to users on the
Internet, thus making it more difcult for a hacker to target a machine on your network. This natural
rewall is turned on when NAT function is enabled.
Firewall Security and Policy (General Settings): Inbound direction of Packet Filter rules to
prevent unauthorized computers or applications to access your local network from the Internet.
Intrusion Detection: Enable Intrusion Detection to detect, prevent and log malicious attacks.
Access Control: Prevent access from PCs on your local network:
Firewall Security and Policy (General Settings): Outbound direction of Packet Filter rules to
prevent unauthorized computers or applications from accessing the Internet.
URL Filter: To block PCs on your local network from unwanted websites.