Installing the Network Extender
The Network Extender is a web based plug-in that simplifies clientless remote access while
delivering full network connectivity for IP-based applications. The Network Extender enables
combined IPSec and SSL VPN in one solution, simplifying remote access deployments while
providing maximum flexibility for diverse remote access requirements.
To use Web Portal Network Extender, first connect to the device by typing https://wanipaddress
(where wanipaddress is the WAN IP address of the BiGuard SSL VPN appliance. After success-
fully connection and login to the device, the web portal screen appears.
1. Type the WAN IP Address or Domain Name in the Address bar of the browser and log
into the BiGuard SSL VPN remote portal as previously configured.
2. Click Network Extender in the remote portal window.
3. If the browser does not launch ActiveX automatically, a warning message appears. Click
OK to continue. If the browser automatically installs ActiveX, the warning message does
not display, then go to Step 7.
4. Click the Information bar on the top of the page and click Install ActiveX Control.