Copyright 2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-15820000 Page 22
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For each line item to be altered, type the option or menu number and press the
Enter key, then enter the information and press the Enter key.
NOTE: If you leave the telnet session inactive for over two minutes, it will time out,
disconnect, and report: “Inactivity Timeout (2 minutes) – disconnecting”. You can
change this timeout, with option number 6. If you set it to 0, it will not timeout. This
parameter resets to 2 after each time you quit.
NOTE: After each entry that you make, you will get a confirmation message: “Are
you sure you want to make this change (Y/N) Y”. If you do not wish to change it,
you can select N.
Most setup changes take effect immediately you select Y and press Enter.
The only exceptions are the IP parameters for the unit itself. These parameters
cannot take effect immediately, because a change to those would cut off the telnet
session. For these parameters, you must quit the setup and save the parameters.
You must also either reset the power to the unit or set 4) Reboot after quitting to
Enabled, before you quit the setup.
If you quit *without* saving, the unit re-reads all the parameters from Flash,
and so will overwrite all the new settings with the previously saved settings. If you
do a Quit and Save, the new parameters are all written to Flash so they will be
retained through a power cycle.
If you do a Quit and Save, the new parameters are all written to Flash so
they will be retained through a power cycle. To test parameter changes you can quit
*without* saving. A quit without saving also takes place if telnet times out. The
parameters are still active, unless power is removed. Therefore if the changes work,
then you would telnet back in, then Quit and Save. If they did not work, unplug
power to restore the original parameters.