T1/E1 Copper Line Configuration Settings:
The T1/E1 copper line codes and line lengths are configured using dip switches located
on the side of the Flex Point T1/E1 media converter.
Line Type Port Type Distances Switch Positions
1 2 3 4
T1 DSX-1 RJ-45/48 0’ – 133’ D D D D
T1 DSX-1 RJ-45/48 133’ – 266’ D D D U
T1 DSX-1 RJ-45/48 266’ – 399’ D D U D
T1 DSX-1 RJ-45/48 399’ – 533’ D D U U
T1 DSX-1 RJ-45/48 533’ – 655’ D U D D
T1 DS-1 RJ-45/48 0 dB D D D D
T1 DS-1 RJ-45/48 -7.5 dB D U D U
T1 DS-1 RJ-45/48 -15.0 dB D U U D
T1 DS-1 RJ-45/48 -22.5 dB D U U U
E1 75 ohm Coax/BNC Standard U D D D
E1 120 ohm RJ-45/48 Standard U D D U
E1 75 ohm Coax/BNC Extended U D U D
E1 120 ohm RJ-45/48 Extended U D U U
D = Down U = Up
Operational Switch Settings and Functions:
The following operational switches located on the front of the Flex Point T1/E1 converter
are to assist in installation and fault isolation.
Local Dual Loop Back
Remote & Local Loop Back
Force 1's to Fiber
Force 1's to Copper