CHAPTER 5: Configuration
• Callback Number: Assigns a number that will be called when this account
attempts to access command mode via modem, and the Callback Security
Function has been enabled as described in Section 5.3.4. (Default = undened.)
• If the Callback Number is not defined, then Callbacks will not be
performed for this user.
• If the Callback Number is not defined for a given user, and the
Callback Security feature is configured to use either of the "On
- Callback" options, then this user will be granted immediate
access to command mode via modem.
• If the Callback Number is not defined for a given user, and the
Callback Security feature is configured to use the "On - Callback
ONLY" option, then this user will not be able to access command
mode via Modem.
• When using the "On - Callback (With Password Prompt)" option,
it is important to remember that accounts that do not include
a callback number will be allowed to access command mode
without callback verification.
• After you have finished selecting or editing account parameters,
make certain to save the new account information before
proceeding. In the Web Browser Interface, click on the "Add
User" button to save parameters; in the Text Interface, press the
[Esc] key several times until the Outlet Managed PDU displays
the "Saving Configuration" message and the cursor returns to the
command prompt.