7.8. The Plug Current Alarm
The Plug Current Alarm allows you to monitor current consumption at each of the
Outlet Managed PDU’s switched outlets and generate an alarm when current exceeds
a user-dened "High" threshold or falls below a user-dened "Low" threshold. The
Plug Current Alarm can also be applied to user-dened Plug Groups in order to
generate an alarm when total current consumption for the given Plug Group rises too
high or falls too low.
To congure the Plug Current Alarm, access the Outlet Managed PDU command
mode using a password that permits Administrator Level commands and then use
the Alarm Conguration menu to select the desired alarm feature. The Plug Current
Alarm allows the following parameters to be dened:
• Trigger Enable: Enables/Disables the trigger for this alarm. When
Disabled, this alarm will be suppressed. (Default = On.)
• Plug Hysteresis: This parameter can be used to prevent the Plug Current
Alarm from generating excessive "Alarm" and "Clear" messages when
current consumption uctuates back and forth across the trigger value.
Basically, the Plug Hysteresis parameter allows you to dene a margin at
both the Low Threshold and High Threshold that the current level must cross
in order to clear an alarm. (Default = 0.5 Amps)
Plug Hysteresis Example: Assume that the Low Threshold for Outlet A1 is
set at 5 Amps, the High Threshold is set at 12 Amps and the Plug Hysteresis
value is set at 1 Amp. When the current goes high or low, the Outlet
Managed PDU will respond as follows:
• Low Alarm: If the current drops below 5 Amps, the Outlet Managed PDU
will generate an Alarm. The Alarm will not be cleared until the current
rises above 6 Amps: (5 Amp Low Threshold + 1 Amp Hysteresis Value =
6 Amps.)
• High Alarm: If the current rises above 12 Amps, the Outlet Managed PDU
will generate an Alarm. The Alarm will not be cleared until the current
drops below 11 Amps: (12 Amp High Threshold - 1 Amp Hysteresis Value
= 11 Amps.)