
Hifi performance pure and simple: All the components are consis-
tently designed for sound quality. Particularly long-stroke bass with
large magnet systems, silk domes, four separate amplifi ers for fully
active control over 18 dB, crossover frequencies and an integrated
equalizer for frequency response correction provide an excellent
technical basis.
Sound at your fi ngertips: What you might have already become
accustomed to with active THb subwoofers works exactly the
same way here. The Velocity 2Go is equipped with automatic
power-on, which also functions in connection with the 3.5 mm
jack for the MP3 player.
Loud is cool: The bass-refl ex channel affords more pressure in the
bass range and also works to cool the integrated output stages.
The more you demand of the Velocity 2Go, the stronger the air
ow in the channel and the higher the cooling performance for
the output stages.
Never miss your connection: The optionally available QuickOut
mount makes changing operating modes a breeze. Insert or re-
move the Velocity 2Go from its mount with just one push or pull.
There are no cables to connect or disconnect.
Velocity 2Go
QuickOut mount
Anything but quiet: Velocity 2Go is so versatile that these are only
a few ideas of what you can do with it here. Let your imagination
run wild – you are sure to fi nd lots of other uses.
Sound in the car.
Around the car. And anywhere
you want.