
Output Modules
The Power Vector mixer accepts Bogen signal-processing output modules, which offer a cost effective and con-
venient way to add specific signal-processing capability into a system.When an output module is installed, the
mix bus signal is automatically rerouted through the output module, whose capabilities further process the sig-
nal before it is presented to the power mixer section.
Up to 2 output modules can be installed in a Power Vector mixer using module bays 7 & 8 (these bays accept
either output or input modules). When two output modules are installed, their signal-processing effects are
cascaded.The mix bus signal will first pass through the output module in module bay 7 and then through the
output module in bay 8. In some instances, the order in which the signal processing is applied is important and
can be determined by the module installation order.
Output modules automatically insert themselves into the signal path between the mix bus and the mixer out-
put, so no further connections are required beyond simply inserting the modules. Most Bogen output
modules include an unbalanced, Hi-Z input.This input feeds directly to the mixer’s mix bus through the front
level control for the particular module bay and is not processed by the output module directly. The input is
included so that the input function of the module bay is not lost when an output module is installed.
Input Modules
The Power Vector mixer accepts Bogen’s new advanced input modules, which provide a wide range of input
types allowing the mixer inputs to be custom configured in both type and number for a particular application.
Input modules can be installed into any of the 8 module bays and do not have to be installed in any particular
bay order.The front panel volume control for that number bay will control the mix level of that input module.
In addition to a host of module specific features, each input module has a priority jumper section for creating
a priority hierarchy between different modules installed in the mixer.
The Power Vector mixer allows inputs to be prioritized at four different levels.The Bogen input modules con-
tain circuitry that can cause their outputs to be muted in response to higher priority control
signals from other input modules. Each input module also contains circuitry that sends a mute control signal
out to other modules when it becomes active (all input modules become “active” when they receive an audio
input). Active modules may be prevented from sending their audio onto the mix bus by a higher priority
module that is also active.
Input priorities are set through a simple jumper field on the module. It is also possible not to assign a priority
level to an input module. By doing so, that module will never be muted by another input module in the