Technical specifications
Mechanical Properties
(H x W x D):
5 in. x 3 in. x 0.8 in.
(12.7 cm x 7.6 cm x 2.0 cm)
Power Requirements (12 VDC Circuits)
Current (alarm):
1 loop only: 75 mA maximum
Both loops:
145 mA maximum
Current (standby): 1 loop only: 12 mA maximum
Both loops: 24 mA maximum
Voltage (nominal) 12 VDC supplied by control panel or by
UL864 or UL1481 Listed 12 V power supply
Power Requirements (24 VDC Circuits)
Current (alarm):
1 loop only: 168 mA maximum
Both loops:
300 mA maximum
Current (standby): 1 loop only: 25 mA maximum
Both loops: 50 mA maximum
Voltage (nominal)
24 VDC supplied by UL864 or UL1481
Listed 24 V power supply
Two-wire Loop (Class B, Style B)_Characteristics
Current (alarm): 12 VDC: >11.8 mA
24 VDC: >24.1 mA
Current (trouble): 12 VDC: <3.5 mA
24 VDC: <7.5 mA
Detector Current: 12 VDC: 3 mA maximum
24 VDC: 7 mA maximum
Wiring Impedance:
50 Ω maximum
Ordering information
D125B Dual Class B Initiating Module
The module provides 2 Class B (Style B) powered
loops for connecting 12 or 24 VDC, two- or four‑wire
fire or burglary devices or up to 50 two‑wire 12 VDC
glass break detectors. It reports individual loop alarm
or trouble and ground fault; and allows latching device
reset from panel or central station.
Order number D125B
D137 Mounting Bracket
Used to mount accessory modules in D8103, D8108A,
and D8109 enclosures.
Order number D137
3 | D125B Dual Class B Initiating Module