28 - English
Problem What to do
No power •Unplug the module’s power cord from the AC (mains) outlet for
one minute.
•Secure the module’s power cord.
•Reconnect the module’s power cord firmly into an AC (mains)
outlet. The indicator should flash 10 times.
•Ensure you use the remote control to power on the system.
No sound •Make sure the CineMate
15/10 system is not muted.
•Increase the volume.
•Check that the Acoustimass
module is plugged into a live AC
(mains) outlet.
•Make sure the audio cable is plugged into a connector on your
TV labelled Audio Output or Audio OUT, not Audio Input or
Audio IN.
•Make sure all cable connections are correct and secure on the
soundbar, TV, and other connected sources. If using an optical
cable, see page 13 for important instructions.
•Check that the correct TV input is selected (see page 24).
•Check that your TV’s audio output is enabled. See your TV’s
owner’s guide for information.
•If the soundbar is connected to a TV output labelled VARIABLE
(VAR), make sure your TV speakers are powered off, your TV
volume is set to 75 percent of maximum and your TV is not
•You may need to use an alternate connection (see page 16).
•If connecting through a TV headphones output, increase your
TV volume to the maximum limit.
•If connecting to two devices, ensure that you are not using an
optical cable and coaxial cable.
•Unplug the module’s power cord from the AC (mains) outlet for
one minute.
Remote control is
inconsistent or does
not work
•Check the battery to see if it is installed properly or needs to be
replaced (see page 30).
•Check that the indicator on the soundbar flashes when you
press the remote volume or
•For the CineMate
15 system remote:
- Point the remote control at the device you want to control.
- Check that the remote button for the selected source flashes
when you press the volume button.
•Unplug the module’s power cord from the AC (mains) outlet for
one minute.
Sound is distorted •Make sure all cable connections are secure on the soundbar,
TV, and other connected sources.
•If the soundbar is connected to a TV output labelled VARIABLE
(VAR), decrease your TV volume.
•Unplug the module’s power cord from the AC (mains) outlet for
one minute.
Care and Maintenance