Blender Jug is leaking • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before
removing the Blender Jug from the Motor Base.
Check that the Removable Silicon Gasket is securely
attached to the Blade Assembly. Then insert the
Blade Assembly into the Blender Jug base and turn
clockwise until tight (see Assembling the Blender,
page 31-32).
Blender Jug smells • To remove strong odors, for example, from garlic,
fish and some vegetables, disassemble the Blender
Jug (see Disassembling the Blender, page 37) and
soak the parts for 10 minutes in warm soapy water.
Then wash with a mild detergent and a cleaning
brush. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
• Always ensure the Blender Jug is thoroughly
cleaned immediately after each use (see Cleaning
the Blender, page 39).
Red light flashing • The Overheat Protection may have automatically
de-activated the motor. If this occurs, the START
| OFF button surround will flash red. Unplug the
power cord from the wall outlet and allow the
appliance to cool for at least 15 minutes. Insufficient
cooling time may result in the motor de-activating
again. After sufficient cooling time, reconnect the
power cord to the wall outlet and recommence
normal use (see page 36).
• The Electronic Protection may have automatically
de-activated the motor. If this occurs, the START
| OFF button surround will flash red. Unplug the
power cord from the wall outlet. Either too much
food is being blended at one time or the pieces are
not small enough. Try removing a portion of the
mixture, cutting food into smaller pieces of even size
and/or processing a smaller amount per batch. For
best results the food should be chopped into pieces
no larger than 3/4 inch (2cm). Then reconnect
the power cord to the wall outlet and recommence
normal use (see page 36).
Blender stops blending
after 60 seconds
• If speed 1-5 is selected, the Blender will
automatically stop blending after 60 seconds.
This is a safety feature and prevents over-processing.
If necessary, restart the Blender by pushing the
START | OFF button.
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