If the tape is cut at the cutline, the text is centered in the middle of the
label. The tape is automatically fed 1/3”(8mm) when “## ” is set, and
1/2”(12mm) when “### ” is set.
● Continuous printing
When “# ” is set and three labels are printed continuously, the tape is
fed and a label like that shown in the illustration below is produced. If
“## ” or “### ” is set, the labels are printed with the appropriate mar-
gin widths. Please cut the tape on the “:” mark with scissors.
1. Repeat printing (See page 34.)
2. Numbering (See page 35.)
● Printing with different styles
When “- ” is set, different styles can be used to print one label since the
tape is not fed after a label is printed, different characters can be
entered and the style can be changed. If the new label is printed, it will
continue printing from the point where the first label stopped. After the
whole label is printed, feed and cut the tape.