
Creating a Bar Code Label
CODE128, GS1-128 (UCC / EAN-128)
Editing and Deleting a Bar Code
To edit bar code parameters and bar code data, position the cursor beneath the bar code
mark on the data entry screen and then open the Bar Code Setup screen. Refer to
"Setting Bar Code Parameters and Entering Bar Code Data" on page 26.
To delete a bar code from a label, position the cursor to the right of the bar code mark on
the data entry screen and press the
Code Special Character Code Special Character Code Special Character
1 (SPACE) 25 49 DC3
2 26 50 DC4
3 27 51 NAK
4 28 52 SYN
5 29 NUL 53 ETB
6 30 54 CAN
7 31 SOH 55 EM
8 32 STX 56 SUB
9 33 ETX 57 ESC
10 34 EOT 58
11 35 ENQ 59 FS
12 36 ACK 60
13 37 BEL 61 GS
14 38 BS 62
15 39 HT 63 RS
16 40 LF 64
17 41 VT 65 US
18 42 FF 66 DEL
19 43 CR 67 FNC3
20 44 SO 68 FNC2
21 45 SI 69 FNC4
22 46 DLE 70 FNC1
23 47 DC1
24 48 DC2