Transferring label templates from the PC to the printer via USB
IntroductionCreating LabelsAppendix
3 Drag the transfer data to the folder you
just made.
Drag the transfer data from All Contents, Layouts
or another folder under Filter.
When transferring multiple sets of data, move all
the transfer data to the folder you made.
4 Key Assign numbers are automatically
assigned to transfer data within the folder
you made in the previous step.
To change a number, right click the data name in
the list view, then select a key assign number.
5 Select the data or folder you want to
transfer, then click .
The transfer confirmation message is displayed.
6 Click [OK].
The data in the folder selected in the folder view
is transferred to the printer.
Key Assign is necessary for transfer of data other
than message texts.
If you change the Key Assign number used for
data already transferred to the printer main unit, it
is overwritten. You can check the Key Assign
number used for data already transferred to the
printer by backing up the data as explained in
"Backing up label templates" (page 23).
You can click the data name for transfer data to
change it to a new name. Depending on your
printer model, there may be restrictions on the
number of characters that can be used for a data
If you have selected specific data in the list
view, only the selected data is transferred
to the printer.