
Compound Bow
Cam Adjustments:
The Browning Archery Trance
Cam features a
patented inner cam system which allows draw
length adjustments to be made in 1” increments
and let-off to be set at either 65% or 80%
without putting the bow in a bow press. The
letter “A” engraved on the cam represents the
longest draw length setting and the letter “D”
represents the shortest draw length possible.
Inner Cam:
The cam is factory-set at a
draw length of 29” (in the “B” setting) as
shown in the photo to the right. To change
to 30” draw simply remove the screws from
the inner cam and move it to the set of
holes marked “A” and reinstall the screws.
For 28” draw, move the inner cam to the set
of holes marked “C”. For 27” draw use the
“D” setting.
Draw Stop:
The draw stop must be positioned
in the set of holes corresponding to the inner
cam. If the set of holes marked “B” are used on
the inner cam, the “B” setting must be used for
the draw stop. Each set of letters has a 65% and
an 80% let off position. The sets of holes are
connected by a line engraved on the cam. The
“A”, “B” and “C” holes are on one side of the
cam and the “D” holes are on the opposite side
of the cam. The “E” and “F” settings are
currently not being used but are for future
development. The draw stop always goes to the
inside of the cam.
Additional ¼” adjustments in the draw
length may also be made by moving the
string to either the “+” post or the “-“
post. Moving the string to the “+” increases
the draw by ¼” and to the “-“ decreases the
draw by ¼”. A bow press must be used to
make this adjustment.
Inner Cam
“D” setting 80%
-¼” post
Draw Stop
“D” setting 65%
+¼” post